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"In This Together"

Our Watch is a place of acceptance, compassion, hope and discovery where your life journey can take a miraculous turn; where individuals and families can begin a healing process and equip themselves with knowledge and tools to use for a lifetime.  Our Watch is about connection and relationships.  In this case, a horse, life coach, and facilitators.  Unresolved anxiety often leads to detachment, withdrawal, and alienation.  The equine assisted process calls for engagement and relationship which contributes to healing.  The horse is a mirror of immediacy in which the client can see and experience themselves.  When experience is brought into awareness of the here and now, healing happens.  PTSD is a chronic condition of re-experiencing and re-living the trauma: bringing the past into the present.  Equine assistance aids in bringing the individual into the immediacy of the moment.  Life changing techniques are  taught and employed to accentuate the individual's experience of how to recognize and cope when the past invades the present.

You watch out for us - It's now our turn at "Our Watch"

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